We don’t often thank our parents for all that they pour into us … we are a part of him, her and them (and we them). We don’t often thank our loves (, friends and […]
We often ask for the “blessing,” but don’t want to withstand the testing! We will do the “professing,” but don’t want to except the correction! Can you, will you, do you, … … or […]
And this is the water of life: A beautiful, vibrant reflection, filled with changing seasons. Remember: Garbage also makes a reflection. Put into life what you most want to get back! Life, Enjoy The Ride!
Faith is when hell reaches up and slaps the taste buds out of your mouth, and you still believe “I can do all things…(Philippians 4:13)!” Today is that date (e.g., you prayed for “healing” for […]
… if you only knew what he has brought you (me) through! Whatever is down the road, around the corner or over the horizon, trust that it is “for our good (Romans: 8:28)!” Passenger to […]
Life is a series of tricks and treats Just because you get a trick every now and then, Don’t stop looking for and giving treats. GIVE A TREAT, DON’T BE A TRICK!
Today’s whether report: Partial Rainbow with a chance of sunshine and rain (or insane)! Funny, sometimes our perspectives on life seem to be skewed by forces beyond our control (e.g., too much sunshine, too cloudy […]
Too often we don’t recognize what love is, until we realize what Love is not: – It is not “We died in sin!” – It is not “Jesus saw our sins and decided to live!” […]
There is nothing more beautiful than fall, or winter, or spring, or summer! Yep, there is nothing more beautiful than the work of my favorite artist, G-O-D!