POTENTIAL is when you have the talent and you could win, if you would only try. LUCK is when you are underprepared, overmatched and still able to win. ACHIEVEMENT is when preparation meets opportunity and you […]
Life has taught me that the only people who DO are the DOERS (e.g., People who ACT like they forgive really don’t and people how act like they CAN’T forgive, really don’t want to; Doers DO). If you […]
Sometimes we are going through life’s personal challenges/changes, but haven’t told a single solitary sole about them! Then, someone comes along a tells you what you are feeling or struggling with, as though they had been […]
Job gone, house gone, everything you own – GONE! Now, who are you? That is the real question! I listened to a minister preaching about chasing connections and almost losing his family in the process. […]
Like a paper plane, hearts of gold may easily fold and crash. But you’re gold baby, not paper, so don’t allow anyone to treat your treasure like their trash! – Power4AbundantLiving p.s., Sometimes flight […]
I rise not because of me, but this is perhaps why I fall Even in seeming failure, I am sure I have beat them all. My knees bend me down and my faith lifts me […]