Life is a beautiful thing when you’ve found your ice cream (Joy) or your life’s dream (Passion).  Remember: We live too long not to enjoy life   … and, potentially, we die too soon not to be passionate about where we spend our time!

Life, Enjoy The Ride!


What’s your Ice Cream and Life’s Dream(s)?  Dream Dreams and Make Them Come True!

SHORT ART STORY:  As an elementary school student, I loved art and entered my first art contest.  However, I quickly learned that art was not a part of the rote education core curriculum (e.g., read, write and regurgitate).  Fast forward, after 40+ years of chasing paper (e.g. University Official, Retail sales, Finance and IT Management positions), I finally started to “avidly pursue” my artistic joy and passions again!  To be clear, I enjoyed my work, but I had started to chase money, over care and passion for people (e.g., 6 figures, not love for or loyalty to the job). 
Now, near retirement age, I’ve picked up a pen (writer), paint brushes (painter) and camera (photographer)!  I am definitely a late starter to painting and photography (can you say “dawdled”), but I’ve always had a pen in hand (a doodler and a scribbler), but no plan.   What if I had start to avidly pursue my art passion sooner, verses chasing money?  I can’t say “the system stopped me,” that is an excuse for lack of determination, but who cares about excuses (e.g., they changes nothing), right?   Now, what if you started now, now that you know better?  Don’t wait/waste another minute without making a plan to pursue at least one of your life long dreams (e.g., I’ve known I love art since I was 6.  I’m now 60+ and just picking up a paint brush).   Don’t wait another minute, they go fast, WOW!  Also, don’t make it about “the money!”  Chasing paper may leave you broken, even though it may pay you very well (e.g., “more money, more problems” – Biggie) and STRESS KILLS (e.g., too many people are stressed out, with high paying jobs they can’t quit)!    
p.s., If you like/love what you’re doing, keep doing it!  If not, keep your job, at least until you can make a living doing something you truly love/enjoy.  Finally, if you are close to retirement, start honing those retirement years skills/latent talents now!  Make a plan to live and love your life, not simply working to build someone else’s company or dreams!  Invest in You and pass on generational wealth knowledge!


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