Life is a series of tricks and treats Just because you get a trick every now and then, Don’t stop looking for and giving treats. GIVE A TREAT, DON’T BE A TRICK!
Photos, Poetry and More
Life is a series of tricks and treats Just because you get a trick every now and then, Don’t stop looking for and giving treats. GIVE A TREAT, DON’T BE A TRICK!
Today’s whether report: Partial Rainbow with a chance of sunshine and rain (or insane)! Funny, sometimes our perspectives on life seem to be skewed by forces beyond our control (e.g., too much sunshine, too cloudy […]
There is nothing more beautiful than fall, or winter, or spring, or summer! Yep, there is nothing more beautiful than the work of my favorite artist, G-O-D!
Funny, many of us (me, me, me) can “talk a good game,” from our armchair, our pulpit, our pew or our “pee-you.” But don’t let the game get real … IMAGINE: Jesus just threw you […]
The heart of the matter is that life continues to change, and it brought a friend – challenges. The changes we see in the workplace today are “unlike” those of previous years (e.g., in IT […]
Diamonds: Yes, we want the things that bling! Pressure: No, we don’t want the pain that getting the thing may cause! The Lesson: Pressure makes diamonds; persistence makes a Crown of Glory (1 Peter 5:1-4) Action: […]
By the strength of our hands we fight for our right to be respected as “a man.” We might not be able to “bust a grape,” but we will give it all we can. Our home, […]
LOVE is just a word, until… Coupled with action and commitment (I do/I will)… It becomes a miracle multiplier, … Two become one and, then… A family becomes a nation because… two touched, agreed and sacrifice their […]
If you lost your voice, what would your actions say about you: Christ like (i.e., Faith and Action, walking Out the Word) Pretender (e.g., Talking about the word, but can’t see it in action; thinking […]