Sometimes life is just straight up funny; sometimes, it is “the weirdest thing” kind of funny; and sometimes, it is that “you have to laugh to stop from crying” kind of funny. Still, laughter is good for the soul. Find a reason to laugh and enjoy the journey. Have a little giggle, until the big one comes. We hope you’ll have a million of them. Just in case, take one of ours, and pass it on (smile).
As you go through your day, I pray you can pause to appreciate the moment. Life is a quick ride, with so much to see and do, and time truly does fly! Enjoy the ride!!!
what’s in your heart is that what you’re about
there is little doubt! Weather conscious or subconsciously you need to check it out to thine own self be true! After all you can only do you!!!; that’s all you can ever be it’s who […]
The Road Less Traveled
The road less traveled may have some rough spots, but that’s life, right! Note: Uber may not be going your way anytime soon. Are you up for the challenge? Dream Dreams And Make Them Come True!