Someone ARTed!
Your eyes see art Your ears hear art Your nose smells art Your mouth tastes art Your hands make art Your feet, wear art And you know when someone ARTed You must be a talent […]
Photos, Poetry and More
Your eyes see art Your ears hear art Your nose smells art Your mouth tastes art Your hands make art Your feet, wear art And you know when someone ARTed You must be a talent […]
Prepared To Go The Distance
“Ain’t no fool like an old fool,” except… a drunk fool; a fool on crack; a fool in a hurry; a lost fool; a crazy fool; a young fool on their way to becoming …! […]
Passion, how do you stop its fire? Simply showing up day after day! If you “just show up,” someone else is waiting for you to slip up! If you are not passionate, you are dying […]
At the heart of the matter is the core of you; it’s not what you say, it’s what you do (e.g., courage or fear of “the big fish”)! To “Do You,” you have to know […]
Some people will never know what you’ve come through to get where you are (e.g., robbed, raped, homeless, helpless, hungry, addicted/recovering, beat-up, beat down, cussed out, singled out, shot at, held back, hiding out, held […]
Don’t place the blame, solve the problem. Why pass the buck, when you can stop the bull? – Plan 2B Great, Gibbism
Some questions are more challenging than others, depending on which side of the question you’re on (e.g., love thy neighbor? As long as they stay on there side of the fence?), until … (e.g., it’s […]
We can whine about our limitations or make wine of our gifts/talents, to enjoy and share! Don’t waste your harvest. Cheers, to the sweeter berry! Like a vineyard, our gift(s)/talent(s) may be ours to harvest […]
Question: Is the goal of leadership to ASSERT POWER or EMPOWER? It depends, do you want an organization that works when you’re gone? Remember: “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make […]