what’s in your heart is that what you’re about
there is little doubt! Weather conscious or subconsciously you need to check it out to thine own self be true! After all you can only do you!!!; that’s all you can ever be it’s who […]
Photos, Poetry and More
I have live the greater part of my life in “great health” and, at best, well off enough to get a loan (LOL). Conversely, I know of millionaires who would trade everything they “own” for this quality of life I have. Although I have never been a millionaire, I know wealth (i.e., I have it) and I pray that you have it too, in mind, body and soul!
there is little doubt! Weather conscious or subconsciously you need to check it out to thine own self be true! After all you can only do you!!!; that’s all you can ever be it’s who […]
My public places, all look good:
My dress, my car, my house, my hood!
My private closet, in disarray:
My closets and prayer closet, where I kneel and pray!
A Dozen Roses: What we call love, to the rose is death! It “passed your way” in love! Did someone that you love die, let’s call it “pass your away.” If so, what gift […]
You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make them drink. You can lead a person to knowledge, but you can’t make them _____ (fill in the blank) … OR CAN YOU? Sometimes, how […]
Among the best advice I’ve ever received is this: “Don’t own the race horse, own the race track” and “You can’t control what you can’t track!” – Anonymous If you own the race, how are you staying […]
Real dreams die falling over molehills, just as they do climbing mountains. Watch your step, don’t fight every battle and have a strategic plan! Strategic planning is key in any walk of life: Know your strengths […]
You are a private investor in the publicly traded “YOU Enterprises!” Whether you are a FTE, Contract-For-Hire, C-Level Executive or Business-For-Self/Consultant for life, you own controlling interest in “YOU Enterprises.” REMEMBER: You are only as valuable […]
DON’T OKAY THE “OK,” UNLESS LESS THAN “OK” IS A STANDARD YOU ARE WILLING TO ACCEPTABLE. Once “OK” is acceptable in practice, it will carryover into the performance. p.s., if the goal is “OK,” you […]
Know who you are … you can be pushed, fall or jump into leadership. HINT: Do the “up” thing; “down,” optional! Plan 2B Great, Gibbism