If I am hungry and food is all around me (i.e., literally, opportunities are all around), what is my problem or excuse for being hungry?
Photos, Poetry and More
If I am hungry and food is all around me (i.e., literally, opportunities are all around), what is my problem or excuse for being hungry?
NO BETTER TIME THAN NOW! Life is too short not to appreciate, NO MATTER HOW YOU LOOK AT IT (I.E., BLINK AND IT’S GONE)!
If you’re going to be a spectator, be a note taker! If your going to look, learn something!
So great is your God given talents and abilities that you cannot be stopped and only semi-contained (i.e., you always have a way out, around or through)!
Do you doodle or dawdle all the day (e.g., what’s your ice cream dream)? Some people dawdle all day, but won’t doodle because “it is a waste of time!” Some people “doodle all the day,” but won’t dawdle without a vision.
God created each of us to serve (Mark 9:35). We know who we are to serve, but what and how are we serving or displaying our ministries, gifts and talents? God has given each of […]
Faith has requirements, lip service just won’t do. Have you heard “ye asked nothing in my name (John 16:24),” was that message meant for you? Mic Check: When trouble(s) come, who do you call: he, […]
Don’t waste time counting your “have nots.” You are blessed beyond recognition, let’s count: Do you have family – blessed Do you have friends – blessed Can you read this message – blessed Life, you […]