there is little doubt! Weather conscious or subconsciously you need to check it out to thine own self be true! After all you can only do you!!!; that’s all you can ever be it’s who […]
You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make them drink. You can lead a person to knowledge, but you can’t make them _____ (fill in the blank) … OR CAN YOU? Sometimes, how […]
The world around us is little more than a reflector, giving back whatever we put out. If you’re not getting back what you want, don’t blame the reflection, adjust the source! – Note To […]
Amazingly, we did not choose the pond we are in, directly. Indirectly, every choice made to this pond was our option! If you don’t like the pond, change your stroke. Bigger ponds may take bigger […]
Wag your tail, if your happy! Smile, if you’ve lost your tail; it works the same magic! Life, sometimes you just have to laugh about it! Enjoy The Ride! – Gibbism