You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make them drink.

You can lead a person to knowledge, but you can’t make them _____ (fill in the blank)


Sometimes, how we teach is not as simple as understanding “who we are teaching.”  Sometimes it really is about understanding how we are teaching (and learning).  We are all learning on all levels of consciousness, whether we are aware or not (e.g., we learn through inspiration, agitation, experimentation, transformation, sensation; reading, writing and regurgitating; assimilation and the school of hard knocks indoctrination, etc.).  Put something in the door way for a student/child (or teacher) to grasp and you only need to leave the door open.  Yes, a good teacher should be a good learner too!  

  1. What is your teaching/parenting style (e.g., Is it “my way or the highway;” “point the way,” but don’t “lead the way”)
  2. Are you tenured (e.g., actively learning or retired on the job) or celebrating your Alma Mater (e.g., higher learning is behind you) or can your students/children still teach you a new trick or two?    
  3. What are some  tools, teaching technology or trends you are aware of and want to share?

Thought:  As a university administrator, I knew a college senior who thought he “held all the cards.”  He was re-educated when he met a freshman with an ace up his sleeve!  We can’t underestimate how sharp our children are (or teachers)!  My son is still teaching me, as is my dad!

 – Notes From The School of Hard Knocks


Plant seeds and water them regularly/faithfully!

p.s., … And sharpen your skills.  You may need to pull an ace of your own!


See the video below for some educational toys (i.e., 5 Lego compatible products) & links for two of them shown in the video

(Note: Do your due diligence to ensure you can return any product, if not satisfied)


Microduino mCookie

Light Stax